Monday, January 21, 2013

The flying Kiwi returns

It's over. My time in America has finished. While I'm absolutely devastated to have to say goodbye to New York, and the rest of the country which gave me such an incredible experience, I'm excited to see what the future holds.

Living in America was the best decision I have ever made. It gave me so many experiences I would never want to take back, and really helped shape me as a person. It allowed me to discover what I like and don't like, where I want to take my life and where my priorities lie. If I had the chance to do it all over again, I would jump at it - but maybe this time I'd try living somewhere else in that incredible country.

Alas, now it is time to return home with my beloved cowboy boots and country music CD's in tow. To "get back to nature". To enjoy the summer weather, watch the stars, have a few BBQ's and of course celebrate my birthday (two days left, woohoo! I'm an old lady)!

One of the biggest reasons for returning home this year was because I want some good quality time to really knuckle down and work on my WIP. It's been kickin' around inside my head since July last year, giving me the chance to develop my ideas and really think about the direction I want to take my novel. I think now it's really time to get it all down on paper. To immerse myself back into the world that I've started to create. To really connect with my characters and let them get out and tell their story.

What I want to know, is for all you people who have a full time job as well as writing - how do you find a balance? How do you fit everything in? Do you set aside a few hours at night? Do you only work on weekends? Or do you sacrifice your sleep to write? If you have any secrets or tips you'd like to share with me.... please do. I love advice and welcome it wherever you've got it!

Gotta jet before I miss my plane! See y'all on the flipside!


  1. I'm glad you had such a great experience living over here! But I am glad you'll be able to focus on writing more now that you're home :)

    I tried to squeeze in time before work. It never was even a whole lot - probably not even 30 minutes - but it's still better than nothing, and it's surprising how much your MS will grow without you even realizing it.

    Good luck! :)

    1. Absolutely, as strange as it is to be back in New Zealand it's going to be great to really get into my writing! Thanks for the tip!

  2. What a great experience it must have been to live in New York for a while. I'm kind of envious. :) Though, I imagine going home will have its own appeal too. I hope you have a safe trip!

    I'm not employed right now, and I honestly don't know how I'd find balance in my life if I was working and trying to find time to blog and write. That being said, I have to wonder if I'd be a better manager of my time if I was reigned in by a job. It's too easy right now to waste time and then wonder where my day went. Looking forward to hearing how life is back in New Zealand! :)

    1. It really was an incredible experience and I already miss New York so much, but you're right, being home has it's own appeal too :)

      It'd be nice to be able to entirely focus on my writing, alas gotta pay the bills somehow!

  3. I hope you have a safe trip home, Samantha--and a great birthday! Hopefully you'll keep blogging, so it'll seem like you never left. :)

    As for writing/full-time work tips... I'm not sure I have much to share. This is my situation, but I don't really have a schedule. I'm not a morning person, so writing before work is out of the question. However, if I'm in the midst of a project, then finding time to write never seems like an issue. I just come home, do things I need to do, then write for as long as I can. Some days I get a lot done, other days I don't get anything done. The key for me is not to stress about it.

    Everyone's situation is different, and I'm sure that as you get back into life in NZ, along with working full-time, you'll find those opportunities. Especially as you get into your projects (whether it's writing or revising). There's nothing like enjoying your work to keep you motivated to work! As Stephanie said, even if you only get half an hour or an hour in--perhaps not even every day--you'll find you're making progress.

    All the best to you! :)

    1. I like your advice Colin, I think finding time when it works is the best way to do it, especially if you're in the midst of things.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. My situation is a bit out of the ordinary because I homeschool my son, so I don't work outside the home. That being said, homeschooling is a huge time commitment, and I rarely have time to write during the day. Generally, I work late into the night but I'm a night owl and a terrible insomniac so that suits me anyway.

    It's nice to hear that you enjoyed your stay in the United States. I hope you'll enjoy settling back in at home and that you'll find the time to work on your WIP. :)

    1. Wow, homeschooling is a huge commitment! Kudos for you for giving that a try, I'm very impressed! It's great to hear you're finding time for your writing alongside that :)
