Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What's Up Wednesday

I've been meaning to do What's Up Wednesday for a couple of weeks since Jaime and Erin came up with this awesome idea.
Only problem was I kept getting confused with the different time zones and pretty much failed. This week though, i'm on it!

What's Up Wednesday is just a way to keep in touch with blogging friends and let everyone know what's been happening in your life!

What I'm Reading
I just finished the latest Jodi Picoult book The Storyteller which I, embarrassingly, took two months to read. It was a good read, just very heavy and life kept getting in the way!

Tonight i'll also be finishing The Future of Us. Tomorrow I can finally start on Code Name Verity. My friends been bugging me for ages to read this, so hopefully it sucks me in!

What I'm Writing
I'm taking my good sweet time to get through my current WIP. Seriously, I'm up to chapter 8 and have been writing for three months already. I currently have hit a snag and haven't written all week. I'm sure i'll be able to pick it up this weekend when I'm a little less crazy with work and life in general. I just need to stop changing so many important aspects of the book!

What Inspires Me Right Now
I'm not getting a lot of inspiration from certain things right now except perhaps my dreams. When I need something to come to me I go to the gym and about half way through my work out, once i'm well and truly lost in my story land my ideas come pouring out. Then of course there are a few of my own life events and parts of history that lend themselves and inspire me.

What Else I've Been Up To

At work
We're in full on brochure production mode for the Arts Festival Programme Brochure. It's a lot of work and I've done a lot of proofing and editing over the last few weeks. I had no idea how much work went into those brochures. It's almost time to send it to the printers - very exciting but also nerve wracking.

At home
I've been thinking a lot about my book, but haven't done a lot of writing. I've been playing my guitar a lot too, losing myself in the music is a great way to spend some 'me time'. I've also been planning my next lot of travels! My man, my sister and my sister's man booked flights to Africa on Monday, we're all booked in for early next year to head to the great African continent and safari for 5 weeks before spending 9 days in Egypt, 6 days in Athens and 10 days in Turkey. Then we'll move to London. The plans are starting to come into place, I'm very excited! I'm also planning my trip to the New Zealand glaciers which I'm doing with my man in two weeks time. I've never been before even though they're only a few hours drive away, so i'm looking forward to that!

In Remembrance
The last week has been pretty difficult. On Friday two people I knew died. One was expected, and one was incredibly sudden and unexpected. I saw this guy on Friday morning and he was happy and full of energy. Within a few hours a brain aneurysm had snuffed out his life. So cruel and unfair. I've rarely known anyone to be so chirpy and living life to the full. It's hard to believe that someone who really was larger than life could be taken from us so early. Words can't fully do justice to how much of an incredible guy he was, and why he managed to touch so many people's lives, but he really did. A good portion of my town knew him in some way or another. His death has hit me harder than any other I've been through, including my grandparents (but that would be because I was so young). All my love, prayers and thoughts are going out to his wife and his two children who haven't even reached the age of five.

Sooo that's me for now! What have you all been up to? :)


  1. You'll unsnag your story and then it will be so much better for it. Think how relieved you'll feel once you get over that obstacle. :) That trip you're planning sounds great. And London? So envious.

    Sorry to hear about that man you knew. That's just awful. I'll never understand why this type of thing happens. Hopefully, all of the lives he's touched will make sure his kids remember what a great man he was.

    1. I hope so! Need it unsnaged soon - it's driving me nuts! I know, I'm so excited about the trip, it's going to be great! I love London, I can't wait to live there and be all British! Tea and cakes anyone?!

      Yeah, it's been pretty hard. I just don't understand how someone's life can just be taken so suddenly like that. It's awful, but I'm sure his kids will grow up hearing about how amazing their dad was :)

  2. Wow, your travel plans sound amazing. I will look forward to learning more about that. I love that you play guitar. I wish knew how. Trying to figure out how to play piano in a tiny apartment that can't fit one : ) I really enjoyed Code Name Verity. I'll be curious to your thoughts. I'm sorry for your loss.

    1. I'm so excited about the travel :) it's going to be awesome! Ha I don't play very well - two years ago I decided I wanted to learn so I went out and brought a guitar and have been teaching myself ever since :) Would your apartment fit a digital piano better? That's what my man has to save on space :) Ohh good, I'm excited to read it!

  3. So sorry about your loss--life really is random in the most horrible ways sometimes.

    I loved CODE NAME VERITY--it really is an incredible story, so I hope you enjoy!

    1. I know, someone who's so full of life shouldn't have their life taken from them, particularly in a way where you can't even say 'what if' because there's nothing that could've been done. So sad!

      I'm so glad you enjoyed it - hope I do too!!

  4. It's been ages since I read a Jodi Picoult book and THE STORYTELLER looks good. Don't worry, you'll get past this snag in your story. Sometimes stepping back and thinking it over is all it takes. It sounds like you've had a lot going on as well, so maybe the ideas will click into place once things are calmer. Your trip to Africa and then moving to London sounds amazing! You guys are so adventurous!

    I'm so sorry to hear that you lost two people recently. I hope both you and your friends' families will find some comfort in the middle of this tough time.

    1. The Storyteller is quite different from her other books. I thought the first half dragged a little but part two was amazing and really drew me in. It's quite a heavy read but I liked it.
      I think that's what I'm hoping this week will do. Having some time away from the story and focusing on everything else in my life before I step back into it :)
      Ha we love being adventurous! No time like the present!

  5. I keep looking at The Future of Us, but never pick it up. I'm excited to here what you thought of it.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose those we care about, and two in one day is even more so. I'll keep, yours, and his family in my thoughts.

    1. Hmmm I wouldn't go about recommending it to be honest. Many times I've not even wanted to keep reading but I guess I kind of wanted to figure out if there was a point to the story. It has such a good premise but I guess it just falls short. Such a shame. It's an easy read though if you need something quick that doesn't require your brain!

      Thanks so much Samantha :)

  6. So sorry for the loss of your friend!

    I couldn't get into THE FUTURE OF US but I really really enjoyed CODE NAME VERITY.

    Your travel plans sound amazing! I've not been to any of those places yet! A safari sounds incredible. And I really want to go to Greece myself!

    1. Oh, I agree. I found The Future of Us a difficult read to be honest, but i forced myself to finish it. Was hoping it'd get better.... So excited for Code Name Verity though!!

      I know, I'm very excited! You should go! Pick a date, save some money and head out to see Greece!!

  7. Those travel plans sound absolutely amazing--I can't wait to hear more!

    I'm so sorry to hear about the losses. A friend's mother recently died (quite young) of a brain aneurysm, and just the suddenness/shock were so awful. I hope you're surrounded by lots of comfort and peace in the days ahead.

    1. I'll definitely be posting more as the plans continue to come to light! :) So excited! Hope it'll give me some great writing ideas!

      Thanks so much, it's always so hard when it comes out of no where. Such a shock and unexpected.

  8. So sorry to hear of your loss.

    Wow, that sounds like an amazing trip! Enjoy!
