Tuesday, May 28, 2013


If you could see my "to read" pile right now you would raise your eyebrows and wish me luck. Truly. There are so many incredible books out there just begging to be read. So many different types of stories, so many characters.... where do we find the ideas from?

The book I'm working on right now, I have no idea where the inspiration came from. I was explaining the plot to my brother-in-law the other day and as he is a total sci-fi geek he was very excited to inform me my story had "very strong elements of sci-fi". No way, not true. Okay maybe a little true, but not intentionally! Honestly though, I have no idea where this particularly story idea came from. It wasn't a life event that gave me the idea, and it wasn't an image or a TV show or anything of the sort... I had one idea and it just developed from there.

In the past six months there have been a number of events that have triggered that little light bulb in my head to light up. The "this would be a great idea for a book" light bulb. Then there are the plans I'm making for the future which I can already tell would provide a great setting for a story.

So I wonder, where do you find your inspiration? Do you write books based on events of your life, or your friends lives or do you find something entirely and completely obscure and go from there?


  1. My trilogy is based on a conversation I had with my husband about technology and the direction it could be going in. I'd have to say much of my inspiration comes from discussion of issues, whether person to person or in newspapers and on the internet. I like to write about things I feel strongly about, so maybe that's why. I find it interesting that your brother-in-law saw sci-fi elements in your story even though you didn't choose to classify it that way. Now I'm really intrigued, especially since I write sci-fi (though of the lighter variety).

    1. That's awesome, it's cool to draw inspiration from things around you that you're really interested in and discussions you see happening around you.
      Yeah I find it interesting too, the more I think about it I can definitely see the sci-fi elements but I guess it's just like Star Wars/Star Trek super duper sci-fi stuff. Probably more Across the Universe Sci-Fi styles!

  2. The inspiration for my story came from an article I read in a newspaper. I'm forever finding great story ideas from magazine and newspaper articles. It's a mind of awesome inspiration!

    And I was just thinking, your travel stories would make a great book. You've seen so much! :-)

    1. That's such a great place to find stories - i've never actually thought of that! I guess you could find inspiration for certain scenes and parts of the story there too!

      You're so right! Especially after Africa! Will have to make sure my current WIP is finished so I can get some more ideas during the safari :)

  3. My present WIP was inspired by a relationship I had...in one of those mysterious ways the human mind works. Because the story grew bigger than me or the relationship, and became something else.

    1. Wow, that's really amazing! It's cool how something like that grows and becomes something else - takes on a mind of it's own!
