Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What's Up Wednesday

How is it What's Up Wednesday time again already? If you're not up to date yet, What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme that allows us to touch base with our online friends to tell them what's up in your world!

What I'm Reading
I'm ashamed to say i'm STILL reading Code Name Verity. I've been so crazy busy over the last few week that it's been a bit abandoned! Whoops! I miss my daily subway reading time! I'll get there, I promise!

What I'm Writing
A lot of you are aware I've been having some mega issues getting past my writers block. I deleted a good portion .... okay most of my current WIP and am starting again with a different angle. So I did the deleting and then I stared at the blank page and got frustrated. I blogged about my frustrations, got some great advice and then stared some more at my blank page. So I took a week off. I've barely even thought about my WIP for the last week until today. I went to the gym, and started to let my mind wander to my WIP. It was the first time I'd let myself think about what might happen next. 

See I've been writing out a broad plan of the book and I got to this point and I just couldn't figure how to get from point A to point B. At the gym, it was like the dam had been blown up and the water could flow freely. No kidding, I suddenly got the answer. It hasn't got me to the end of my plan, but it's got me pretty close. I feel I'm ready to get back on the horse and start writing the chapters again. I don't know why it's taken so long, but I'm glad things are flowing again!

What Inspires Me Right Now

Nature. Everyone always goes on about how beautiful New Zealand is, and I know they're right. I do live in a really stunning city. But truth be told, I don't see a lot of that on a daily basis. I live in a city, I go to my house, to the gym, to work and back. Last weekend I got out into nature and saw just how beautiful it can be. My book is very tied in with the power of nature, and so that has really got me inspired!

What Else I've Been Up To

Yikes I just wrote a whole speil here then it disappeared!

The main thing I've done in this last week was head to the West Coast of the South Island with my man so we could go to the glaciers! We had planned to go up on Franz Josef, but the whole time we were there it rained and rained. The cloud was really low which meant that the helicopter which transfers you up onto the ice couldn't operate so the tour was cancelled. We were so gutted! We headed 30 minutes down the road to Fox Glacier and as they don't need a helicopter their tours usually still operate in the rain. Only problem was, there'd been a rock slide so all their tours were cancelled too. We were so disappointed. There wasn't a lot else to do there except the glaciers so we packed up and left a day early. Typically within two days, the sun had come out and the tours up to the glacier had perfect blue skies. grrr! We did have a good chance to really spend some quality time together though. It was the first time we'd seen each other properly in 3 months so we were in dire need! We also managed to walk through the valley to the bottom of the glacier (in the rain, we got very wet), but that was nice to see.

Aside from that I've been busy at planning more of our big trip for next year! We've added in 5 days on Crete which I'm very excited about as my Grandad fought there during the war! We're booking the rest of our flights this week which will be great to get locked in! Then it's all about saving as much money as possible!!

Speaking of money, I've been working like a mad woman at work - the festival have released four of our top shows for the festival ahead of our main launch which has been very busy! So if anyone plans to be in CHCH, NZ in August and September you'll have to see some of the shows we've got on offer!

Lastly, I've been spending a lot of time with my parents lately which has been nice. My brother-in-law convinced us all to start watching this BBC show Orphan Black. I don't always trust his recommendations but this one is actually really great so far! Have only watched one episode but I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops. Does anyone else watch this?

What have you been up to this week?


  1. I've been reading the same book since last week too, so it's not just you. ;-) How awesome that you finally had a breakthrough with your WIP. What a relief, hey? Here's hoping it's smooth sailing from here on in.

    You and your man are a very handsome couple, Samantha! That's too bad that you weren't able to do either tour.

    Someone I know recommended Orphan Black to me, but I haven't checked it out yet. Twice in a week means it's a sign, right? :D

    1. Ha good to know!
      I know, it's such a relief to have had somewhat of a breakthrough! It's taken weeks! But I think now I can finally jump back in, and I think the break was definitely needed!

      Haha oh thank you, I'll let him know that! Yeah, a real shame but we'll give it another try in the Spring I think.

      Definitely a sign - check it out. It's a great mix of action, drama and subtle comedy. The characters are very well rounded out which I love! Give it a shot!

  2. Isn't it crazy how plot answers pop up while you're not actually writing? I keep a notebook beside my bed, because I can't tell you how many times I've figured out plot issues or had other story ideas while I'm supposed to be sleeping. That's so awesome the words are flowing again for you! Maybe the gym will be your plotting place.

    That's too bad you guys didn't get to see the glacier. I'm glad you got to spend some time with your man though. Love the photos of the two of you!

    I've seen that show Orphan Black advertised here, and it looks interesting. The lead actress had a minor role on another show I used to watch. I just googled her and found out she was born a couple hours away from where I live. Small world!

    1. Totally crazy, I guess because when you're at the gym it's really time to focus on yourself and let your thoughts wander freely! Perhaps you're right. In which case I'll need to take a notebook with me to the gym! ha!

      Yeah I'm gutted we couldn't go up on the glacier, but hopefully next time :)

      Oh funny, is she Canadian? She's a pro at the English accent then! You should give the show a try, there's only ten episodes in the first season and season two isn't out until next year I believe :)

  3. So glad to hear you broke your writer's block. It's such a frustrating thing to have!

    One of these days I'll get to NZ. Every photo I see of it makes it look like the most beautiful place on Earth!

    1. I'm so glad too, I still need to iron out the details but it's definitely finally coming together!

      Oh you should come! It really is a stunning place, you just need to know the right places to go. If you ever decide to come, let me know, i'll help you build an itinerary! :D

  4. First, your BF is a total cutie! Great photos and what a cool trip. :0) I am so there in thinking about/trying to incorporate the power of nature. Nature is like another character in my books and it is so hard sometimes to find the right evocative words to put people into the place (if that makes sense). :0) Yay for your WIP breakthrough. I was trying to force myself to work on something yesterday and it didn't work. I think I'll take a break from it today -- do something wholly different-- and see if that helps. :0)

    1. Haha thanks, I think so too :) AH, I SO agree with you - mines the same, nature is very much like another character, it's so important to the foundation and being of my characters. That's a great idea to do something totally different. I do find it very hard to really make the words flow from time to time and when that happens I figure there's no point in continuing on because whatever I write when I'm trying to force it will be no good! Good luck in making it flow!

  5. It's funny that you mentioned ideas coming to you while at the gym. My best ideas come to me while running which is both a blessing and a pain in the bum. It's hard to write while running, they just look like scribbles by time I get home. Just kidding, I don't carry my journal on me while exercising; instead I hurry and jot everything down like a mad woman before they disappear. Sometimes they're like fireflies, a few get away before tighten the lid on the jar, but the majority are captured.

    New Zealand is beautiful. It's on my wish list of travel destinations. I will get there one day...I will. Love the pics! :)

    1. It's strange isn't it. Perhaps it's because when we're running/working out, our minds are more open and focused than usual so we are able to think about the ideas. The firefly analogy is great, that's exactly what they're like!

      You should :) New Zealand would love to have you :-)

  6. Congrats on the WIP breakthrough, Samantha! I suppose exercise is good for *something*... ;)

    Nice pictures of your excursion. Though you didn't get to do all you wanted to, I'm sure you and your man had some great quality time together.

    My SecondBorn watches "Orphan Black." She seems to be quite into it, and she can be very picky about her television, so I would take that as an endorsement.

    1. Hahaha not an exercise fan, Colin?!

      Yeah, it was really nice to get to spend some decent time together and get out of the city for a little while :)

      Ohh you should give it a try, I'm becoming addicted!

  7. I'm so sorry your trip to the Glaciers got rained out, but you're right about it being glorious country!

    And how wonderful that you had a WIP breakthrough! Often, I have to walk away from something for a while too, and let my brain wander. Then it hits out of the blue. :)

    1. Yeah, such a shame, but hopefully next time we try we'll get lucky!

      It always seems to do that doesn't it?! Hit you out of the blue and then you sit there thinking, 'well why didn't I think of that before?!' haha!

  8. Hi! I'm glad that the dam broke for you! :) Sometimes you just need some time away from your ms and the answers will come to you.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Wise words :) I believe you're right!

      Hope your weekend is lovely :)

  9. Code Name Verity is amazing. I hope you get a chance to fly through the rest of it (I know the feeling- reading time can be scarce!) I'm so glad you broke through your block-- like you, I sometimes find that I need to be in the car or on the elliptical to get that focus time :)

    And oh, what lovely photos!!

    1. I finally finished it on Saturday! Stayed in bed all morning to read it! It was great, it didn't capture me the way I was hoping but I really loved the story :)
