Monday, April 8, 2013

Full Time Work

As many of you know, in January I moved back to New Zealand after living in New York for a year. I soon landed my dream job. The type of job that I've been working towards so far in my short career. Naturally I was supremely happy. The job is full time. Beyond full time in fact. I'm working on a festival circuit so as anyone who has worked for festivals or events knows, the job can be crazy demanding. Full time plus overtime means you have very little free time.

When I get home after work and my gym session, all I want to do is crash in front of my laptop and watch one of my favourite TV shows and just zone out. I'm exhausted. Of course many of my favourite shows are now on their "in between season" breaks since it's coming into summer in America (jealousy), and so I have a little more free time in the evenings, so I just have to see if I can muster enough brainpower to get back behind the laptop and drum out some more words for my story.

I know there are quite a few of you who have been juggling full time work with writing for a long time, and I would love to know .... how on earth do you do it? How do you have the energy to start writing after a full on, demanding day at work? Do you write for long? Do you get much done? Or do you save your writing until the weekends?

Whatever it is you do, you guys must be super heros!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congrats on landing your dream job so quickly after returning to NZ, Samantha! :)

    For me, it's about making time and prioritizing. I probably don't work on my fiction writing as much as I should (especially this month with the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge), but I need to juggle all the important things going on in my life. Should I get an agent, I'm sure I will have to make my fiction writing more of a priority since I'll have deadlines to meet. I'm probably a lot more laid back about it than others, but life is short. :)

    BTW, I've tagged you in the "Next Big Thing" bloghop. Check out my blog article for today for details. :)

    1. Yeah I think prioritizing is key and making the time to do it rather than just doing it when there's a spare moment among everything else.

      Wow cool! Thanks for tagging me! I'll do that tonight :)

  3. I think it is all about finding what works for you. I work in the evenings and on weekends so I do most of my writing during the day. When I have weeks that are longer than normal I just try to fit it in in little spurts here and there. Even a half hour or fifteen minutes a day can help me keep in touch with my WIP.

    1. You're so right! Even fifteen minutes would help and i need to remember that. Thanks for stopping by :)
