Friday, April 26, 2013

The new look

If you've been a visitor to my blog in the past you'll know it used to look very different. It looked somewhat .. sad and cheap!

Well I logged into my blog the other day and found it looking completely different. A butterfly background, this awesome vintage looking book header... it looked SO much better.

I didn't do this. But I soon found out who did.

My amazing man has been living in a different city from me for two months now. We're finding the long distance thing pretty hard. He'd been talking for months about making my blog look more visually appealing (that was the designer in him talking), but I didn't know what I wanted done with it so I just left it.

He had a few days off work a few weeks ago and decided to revamp my blog to surprise me. He made the whole thing from scratch (the designer noob in me is so super impressed). I love it, I think it represents me much better, it looks more sophisticated and classy.

So I just want to write this quick post to thank him for doing this for me. I love it and my blog is DEFINITELY more visually appealing now!

What do you all think? :) 


  1. Your amazing man did an amazing job, Samantha--it looks really cool! :D

    Hang in there with the long distance thing. My wife and I dated long distance for six months--she was in the US, I was in the UK. And that was back before the Internet, so we were sending letters and making expensive phone calls. We've now been married for 20 years. :)

    And... I've awarded you a "Wonderful Team Member Readership Award" as a thank you for dropping in on my blog and commenting from time to time. Details on my blog post for today.

    1. Thanks Colin! I really love it!

      Wow, that really is long distance - different countries and before the internet! Amazing! That would be so much harder!

      Thanks for the award too! That's such an honour!

  2. What a sweet thing to do! He did a fantastic job, Samantha. :)

    I hope things get easier for the two of you, and that you get to see each other a little more often. Or better yet, that you get to live in the same city again. I've never done the long distance thing, but I can imagine it would be difficult. Hang in there, Samantha.

    1. Thanks Jaime! I agree, he did an incredible job :)

      I think the hardest thing is that domestic flights are just SO expensive in New Zealand so it's costly to get to see each other, but by this time next year we'll be back traveling the world again. At least I know it's just for now!

  3. What a thoughtful gift! It's so fun that he surprised you with this! I love the new design, very classy. My hubby and I went through the long distance relationship thing too, and it stinks. I hope the two of you find yourself in the same place soon. :)

    1. Such a great surprise huh! It's amazing how many people have done the long distance thing at some point or another in their lives. Can't wait until we don't have to do it anymore though!

  4. I love the new design! And I'm also going to chime in on the whole "hang in there thing." My parents have done a lot of the long-distance thing thanks to my dad being in the Navy, and despite going through long periods of time with minimal communication, they've been married 25 years :)

    1. Aw thanks Stephanie! I'm really amazed at how many people have done the long distance thing! It's nice to hear the success stories of people who have done it and are still married after all this time :)

  5. Oohhh, pretty! I'm loving the new header!
